Right of return
You can return any goods received within a 14 day period without having to state any reasons for returning them. The period starts from receipt of this guidance in text form (e.g. letter, fax, e-mail), but not before the goods have been received by the recipient (for recurrent deliveries of similar goods not before receipt of the first part delivery), and also not before we have complied with our duties to inform as per article 246 § 2 together with § 1 paragraphs 1 and 2 of the Introductory Act to the German Civil Code (EGBGB), and our obligations as per § 312g paragraph 1 clause 1 of the German Civil Code (BGB) together with article 246 § 3 of the EGBGB. For goods that cannot be sent as packages only (e.g. bulky goods), you can also make a written return request. Timely sending of the goods or return request is sufficient to ensure compliance with the time limit. In any event, returns are made at our expense and risk. The return or return request should be sent to:
Markt 111
5570 Mauterndorf
Fon: 0043 (0) 664 4332 242
E-Mail: office@roberto-leonardi.com
Internet: www.roberto-leonardi.com
Goods that can be sent as packages can also be returned via DPD Depot 0620 Lagermax Paketdienst GmbH & Co KG, tel.: 0043 (0) 6457 335550. The company will collect the goods from you.
Consequences of return
In the event of an effective return, each party shall return to the other any performance already received and any benefits derived. You shall be obliged to compensate us for goods that have deteriorated, and for benefits derived that cannot be returned at all or in part, or can only be returned in a deteriorated condition. You must only provide compensation for the deterioration of goods and the benefits derived if the benefits or deterioration can be ascribed to handling the goods in a way that goes beyond inspecting the characteristics and functionality. "Inspection of the characteristics and functionality“ means testing and checking the relevant goods to the extent that is possible and normal in a retail shop. Obligations to make repayments must be met within 30 days. The time limit starts from the sending of the goods or return request for you, and for us with the receipt of the goods.